Your pets are part of the family — as animal lovers ourselves, we get it!
That’s why we deliver best-in-class pet care services for your beloved family members, treating them with the love and respect (and nose-boops) they deserve. We’ve become the go-to choice for pet owners seeking reliable, trustworthy care for their furry, feathered or scaled loved ones. When you work with us, get ready to see lots of wagging tails!
All too often, we see companies offering a one-size-fits-all approach to pet care (shudder).
At Walking Sitters, we’re not simply pet care providers — we’re animal lovers and advocates. With every booking, we take the time to thoroughly understand each pet’s needs, routine and personality, tailoring our services for the best possible care.
With more than a decade of experience and a team of paw-sionate professionals behind us, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of care and customer service. Whatever service you book, rest assured we will always go above and beyond to ensure your pets’ comfort, safety and happiness. And that’s a paw-mise!
We know leaving your animal alone is hard on both of you, which is why our team takes care of your pets as though they are our own. We don’t just walk the walk — we prioritize ongoing training and education, so you can rest assured your babies are in caring, capable hands.
Hi, I’m Tamal!
I’ve been living with, caring for, and cuddling animals all my life. I want everyone to be able to find pet care they can count on while they’re busy or away, which is why I started Walking Sitters Pet Services.
Now, I’m so grateful to work with a team of fellow pet pros who step up to the plate and help us set a new standard for pet care.
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Consetetur dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos accusamjusto duo et.